02/27/2025, 09:15 AM UTC
愤怒的小鸟工作室的《音速滚滚》延期至春季Angry Bird studio’s Sonic Rumble has been delayed to Spring
➀ 《音速滚滚》是SEGA对派对游戏类型的尝试,原计划在冬季发布,现已推迟至春季。这款受《 Fall Guys》启发的游戏将融入音速元素。 ➁ SEGA在其官方网站上宣布了延迟,承诺为玩家提供新内容和功能。 ➂ 游戏将包括快速滚动、对手排名和新团队等功能,预计将于春季在移动和PC上发布。➀ Sonic Rumble, SEGA's take on the party game genre, has been delayed from its initial winter release to spring. The game, inspired by Fall Guys, will feature Sonic elements. ➁ SEGA announced the delay on their official site, promising new content and features for players. ➂ The game will include features like Quick Rumble, Rival Rank, and New Crews, and is expected to launch on mobile and PC this spring.---