07/11/2024, 12:56 PM UTC
披萨披萨:增长派息诱人的7%收益率投资机会Pizza Pizza: A Mouthwatering 7% Yielder With Growing Distributions
1、披萨披萨皇家公司提供了一个强大的投资机会,拥有特许权使用费模式、持续增长和有吸引力的估值。2、该公司有着扩大餐厅数量和增加股息的记录,并计划进行国际扩张。3、尽管消费者环境疲软,披萨披萨仍表现出强劲的业绩,同店销售额增长为正,菜单创新成功。1. Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp. offers a strong investment opportunity with a royalty model, consistent growth, and attractive valuations. 2. The company has a track record of expanding its restaurant count and increasing dividends, with plans for international expansion. 3. Despite a weak consumer environment, Pizza Pizza has demonstrated robust performance with positive same-store sales growth and successful menu innovations.