10/08/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
美国明年将把人类送入太空US To Put Man In Space Next Year
➀ 美国计划于1961年10月将宇航员送入太空;➁ 下一年初,七名训练中的宇航员之一将被送往太空进行非轨道飞行;➁ 水星计划载人飞行项目时间紧,因设备问题已出现一些延误。➀ The United States plans to orbit an astronaut in space by October 1961; ➁ One of the seven astronauts in training will be sent on a non-orbital flight early next year; ➂ The Project Mercury manned flight programme is on a tight schedule and has experienced some delays due to equipment issues.