11/14/2024, 02:17 PM UTC
RAN市场连续第六年下降,2025年预期增长缓慢RAN market declines for sixth consecutive year
RAN市场(不含服务)在2024年第三季度连续第六次下降,全球收入同比下降10%至20%。华为、爱立信、诺基亚、中兴和三星是前五大供应商。预计2025年全球RAN市场将以低个位数增长率增长,主要受北美和亚太地区(不包括中国)的增长推动。The RAN market, excluding services, declined for the sixth consecutive quarter in 3Q24, with worldwide revenues down 10 to 20 percent year-over-year. Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE, and Samsung are the top five suppliers. The worldwide RAN market is expected to grow at a low single-digit rate in 2025, mainly driven by growth in North America and APAC, excluding China.