12/03/2024, 03:23 PM UTC
威廉·布克纳学院1月开设14个商业工程学士新课程14 New Study Programs in Bachelor of Business Engineering at Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule Starting January
➀ 威廉·布克纳学院将从1月份开始提供14个商业工程学士新课程;➁ 这些课程旨在为在职学生提供各自职业领域的进一步资格;➂ 课程涵盖了车辆技术、信息技术、塑料技术、人工智能、食品、物流、机电、医疗技术和工艺技术等多个主题。➀ Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule will offer 14 new study programs in Business Engineering starting from January; ➁ The programs aim to provide working students with further qualifications in their respective professional fields; ➂ The courses cover various topics such as vehicle technology, informatics, plastics technology, artificial intelligence, food, logistics, mechatronics, medical technology, and process technology.