02/20/2025, 01:00 AM UTC
寓言:受尊敬的美国佬Fable: The Honoured American
➀ 工业家为其公司成立50周年委托建造一座喷泉;
➁ 喷泉上有五个日本人的半身像、一个法国人、一个英国人、一个德国人和一个意大利人,以及一个站在他们之上的美国人的全身雕像;
➂ 这个故事的寓意是,伟大的事迹来自一颗宽广的心。
➀ An industrialist commissions a fountain for the 50th anniversary of his company;
➁ The fountain features busts of five Japanese men, a Frenchman, an Englishman, a German, an Italian, and a full-body statue of an American;
➂ The moral of the story is that great deeds come from a big heart.