11/19/2024, 11:56 AM UTC
WITec Suite SEVEN 软件发布WITec Suite SEVEN Software Released
➀ 牛津仪器公司推出了其拉曼和关联显微镜操作系统的重大更新,WITec Suite SEVEN;➁ 更新包括数据追踪、增强的项目管理器、光谱认证和高级宇宙射线去除功能;➂ 这些功能增强了数据管理、系统校准和测量精度。➀ Oxford Instruments has launched a major update to its operating system for Raman and correlative microscopes, WITec Suite SEVEN; ➁ The update includes DataTrace, an Enhanced Project Manager, Spectral Certification, and Advanced Cosmic Ray Removal; ➂ These features enhance data management, system calibration, and measurement precision.