11/09/2024, 10:19 AM UTC
韩国劳动法规可能削弱其半导体竞争力 | TrendForce 新闻[News] South Korea’s Labor Regulations May Weaken its Semiconductor Competitiveness | TrendForce News
➀ 韩国半导体产业正面临来自台 湾积极研发努力的日益增长的压力;➁ 根据《Business Korea》的报道,韩国的劳动法规可能削弱其在半导体领域的竞争力;➂ 产业内部的激烈竞争可能会影响全球半导体行业的格局。➀ South Korea's semiconductor industry is facing increasing pressure from Taiwan's aggressive R&D efforts; ➁ The report from Business Korea suggests that South Korea's labor regulations may weaken its competitiveness in the semiconductor sector; ➂ The intensifying competition in the industry may impact the global semiconductor landscape.---