08/29/2024, 01:02 PM UTC
电动汽车快速充电与气候保护Rapid Charging for Electromobility and Climate Protection
➀ 托马斯·施派德尔(Thomas Speidel)因其电动汽车和能源经济领域的开创性工作获得德国环境奖。➁ 他的公司ads-tec Energy开发了电池缓冲能源系统,使电动汽车能够在几分钟内快速充电。➂ 该奖项强调了在推进电动汽车和气候保护方面的战略远见和企业家风险承担。➀ Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Speidel receives the German Environmental Award for pioneering work in electromobility and energy economy. ➁ His company, ads-tec Energy, developed battery-buffered energy systems enabling rapid electric vehicle charging within minutes. ➂ The award highlights the strategic foresight and entrepreneurial risk-taking in advancing electromobility and climate protection.