08/22/2024, 01:22 PM UTC
汽车和物联网的蓝牙MCU新产品Bluetooth MCUs For Automotive And IoT
➀ 英飞凌科技推出了一系列新的蓝牙低功耗微控制器和模块,即AIROC CYW20829系列,针对汽车、工业物联网和消费电子应用。➁ 新产品提供高度集成,降低物料清单成本和设备占地面积,并包括安全启动、安全执行环境和加密加速等功能。➂ CYW20829系列支持蓝牙5.4功能,如周期性广告与响应(PAwR),并设计用于汽车访问和无线电池管理系统等应用。➀ Infineon Technologies has introduced a new series of Bluetooth Low Energy microcontrollers and modules, the AIROC CYW20829 family, targeting automotive, industrial IoT, and consumer electronics applications. ➁ The new products offer high integration, reducing BOM costs and device footprints, and include features like secure boot, secure execution environments, and cryptography acceleration. ➂ The CYW20829 family supports Bluetooth 5.4 functionalities, such as Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAwR), and is designed for applications like car access and wireless battery management systems.