08/27/2024, 12:28 PM UTC
电力解决方案:不确定的复苏Power Solutions: Uncertain Revival
1、电力解决方案国际公司的股价大幅上涨,但销售额持续下降,表明基本面没有改善。2、利润率的提高主要是由于法律费用逆转和钢材价格下降等临时因素。3、PSIX的母公司WEICF对其有重大控制,这可能与股东利益发生冲突。1. Power Solutions International's share price soared, but sales continue to decline, indicating no fundamental improvement. 2. Margin improvements are temporary, driven by legal fee reversals and lower steel prices. 3. PSIX is significantly controlled by its parent company, WEICF, which may conflict with shareholder interests.