03/12/2025, 07:05 AM UTC
台积电讨论与英特尔合资收购晶圆代工厂,路透社报道TSMC discussing Intel jv, reports Reuters
➀ 台积电正在与英特尔、英伟达、博通、高通和AMD讨论合资收购英特尔晶圆代工厂的事宜;
➁ 为了满足白宫的要求,台积电计划在英特尔晶圆代工厂中持股不超过50%,以保持公司为美国所有;
➂ 该交易需要白宫的批准。
➀ TSMC is in talks with Intel, Nvidia, Broadcom, Qualcomm, and AMD about a joint venture to acquire Intel Foundry;
➁ TSMC plans to take a stake of no more than 50% in Intel Foundry to maintain US ownership, as required by the White House;
➂ The deal requires approval from the White House.