07/29/2024, 02:03 PM UTC
PoE反激式电源参考设计PoE Flyback Power Supply Reference Design
1、Analog Devices的MAXREFDES128 PoE模块从36V到57V的输入输出5V和12.5W,适用于各个开发阶段。2、该模块包括PD控制器和无光耦反激式DC-DC转换器,设计用于评估和生产。3、功能包括启动保护、过压保护和5ms软启动,以减轻浪涌电流。1. The MAXREFDES128 PoE module from Analog Devices outputs 5V at 12.5W from a 36V to 57V input, suitable for various development stages. 2. The module includes a PD controller and a no-opto flyback DC-DC converter, designed for evaluation and production. 3. Features include startup protection, overvoltage protection, and a 5ms soft start to mitigate inrush current.
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