01/17/2025, 09:37 AM UTC
欧洲航天局EarthCARE卫星开始传输一级数据ESA’s flagship EarthCARE satellite begins streaming Level-1 data
➀ 欧洲航天局(ESA)的旗舰任务EarthCARE卫星已完全投入使用,并开始传输一级数据。这些数据旨在通过分析云和气溶胶对大气增温和降温的影响,来提高气候和天气预报模型的准确性。 ➁ 卫星配备了大气激光雷达、云廓线雷达、多光谱成像仪和宽带辐射计等仪器。 ➂ 目前这些数据仅供ESA项目团队使用,但很快将向公众开放。➀ The ESA's EarthCARE satellite, a flagship mission for the agency, has been fully commissioned and is now streaming Level-1 data. The data aims to improve climate and weather prediction models by analyzing the impact of clouds and aerosols on atmospheric heating and cooling. ➁ The satellite's instruments include an atmospheric lidar, cloud profiling radar, multispectral imager, and broadband radiometer. ➂ The data is initially available to ESA project teams but will soon be publicly accessible.---