12/09/2024, 12:30 PM UTC
Path of Exile 2 在 Steam 上达到超过五十万玩家峰值Path of Exile 2 peaks at over half a million players on Steam
➀ Path of Exile 2 自发布早期访问以来,玩家数量显著增加;➁ 该游戏峰值同时在线玩家数是其前作的近两倍;➂ 尽管处于早期访问阶段,PoE 2 已经售出超过 100 万份。➀ Path of Exile 2 has seen a significant increase in player count since its Early Access launch; ➁ The game has more than doubled the peak concurrent player count of its predecessor; ➂ Despite being in Early Access, PoE 2 has already sold over 1 million copies.---