09/09/2024, 08:02 PM UTC
苹果发布搭载6.9英寸显示屏的iPhone 16 Pro MaxiPhone 16 Pro Max with 6.9-inch Display Announced
1. 苹果宣布了具有高级AI功能和改进硬件的iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone 16 Pro Max;2. 新的AI功能包括从笔记生成文档、从文本创建表情符号和图片,以及通知的摘要;3. iPhone 16 Pro Max拥有iPhone系列中最大的显示屏,为6.9英寸,并且耐用性得到了提升。1. Apple announces the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max with advanced AI features and improved hardware; 2. New AI capabilities include document generation from notes, emoji and image creation from text, and summarization of notifications; 3. The iPhone 16 Pro Max features the largest display in the iPhone series, with a 6.9-inch screen and enhanced durability.---