07/24/2024, 08:51 AM UTC
希捷通过强劲的第四季度业绩预示转机Seagate signals turnaround with strong Q4 performance
1、希捷2024年第四季度营收增长18%,达到18.9亿美元,结束了连续七个季度的下滑。2、公司的HAMR技术预计将在2025年第一季度获得云超大规模客户的认证。3、希捷计划通过产品转型而非扩大制造能力来推动更高的出货量。1. Seagate's Q4 2024 revenue increased by 18% to $1.89 billion, marking a turnaround from seven quarters of decline. 2. The company's HAMR technology is expected to be qualified by cloud hyperscalers in Q1 2025. 3. Seagate plans to focus on product transitions rather than expanding manufacturing capacity to drive higher shipped capacity numbers.---