09/13/2024, 05:15 PM UTC
PS5固件更新新增欢迎中心、3D音频改进等功能PS5 firmware update adds Welcome Hub, 3D audio improvements and more
➀ 索尼为PS5引入了新的欢迎中心,取代了之前的美国独家探索标签;➁ 更新允许在消息和社交媒体应用上分享派对语音聊天链接;➂ 用户现在可以个性化3D音频配置文件,调整远程播放设置,并为控制器启用自适应充电。➀ Sony has introduced a new Welcome Hub to the PS5, replacing the previous US-exclusive Explore Tab; ➁ The update allows sharing party voice chat links on messaging and social media apps; ➂ Users can now personalize 3D audio profiles, adjust Remote Play settings, and enable adaptive charging for controllers.