07/11/2024, 09:28 PM UTC
哈勃发现地球附近巨型黑洞演化中的缺失环节Hubble Discovers Missing Link In Evolution Of Earth’s Closest Massive Black Hole
1、哈勃望远镜在Omega Centauri星团中提供了中间质量黑洞存在的新证据;2、快速移动的恒星的发现表明一个巨大的物体,很可能是黑洞,正在吸引它们;3、这一发现有助于解开黑洞演化的谜团。1. Hubble Telescope has provided new evidence for the existence of an intermediate black hole in Omega Centauri; 2. The discovery of fast-moving stars suggests a massive object, likely a black hole, is pulling them; 3. This finding could help unravel the mysteries of black hole evolution.