07/05/2024, 06:24 PM UTC
最新科技动态:汽车行业、LiDAR市场与三星重回榜首Most Read – Automotive, LiDAR market, Samsung No. 1
1、Altair收购Metrics Design Automation以增强3D-IC设计能力。2、JILA开发出能在微观尺度检测重力效应的原子钟。3、汽车半导体市场预计到2027年将显著增长,内存和微处理器领域领先。4、全球LiDAR市场预计从2023年到2029年将以38%的复合年增长率增长,中国OEM厂商推动。5、三星在2024年第一季度重新夺回全球半导体市场第一的位置,超越英特尔。1. Altair acquires Metrics Design Automation to enhance 3D-IC design capabilities. 2. JILA develops an atomic clock capable of detecting microscopic gravity effects. 3. The automotive semiconductor market is projected to grow significantly by 2027, with memory and microprocessor segments leading. 4. The global LiDAR market is expected to grow at a 38% CAGR from 2023 to 2029, driven by Chinese OEMs. 5. Samsung regains the No.1 spot in the global semiconductor market in Q1 2024, surpassing Intel.
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