10/25/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
Ghostwire: Tokyo 将很快在PC上免费领取Ghostwire: Tokyo will soon be free to claim on PC
➀ 从10月31日到11月7日,Ghostwire: Tokyo 将在PC上免费领取;➁ 该游戏由Tango Gameworks开发,具有独特的基于魔法的FPS游戏玩法;➂ 游戏已达到600万玩家,现在作为Epic Games Store计划的一部分免费提供。➀ Ghostwire: Tokyo will be free to claim on PC from October 31st to November 7th; ➁ The game is from Tango Gameworks and features unique magic-based FPS gameplay; ➂ It has reached 6 million players and is now available for free as part of the Epic Games Store program.