08/18/2024, 12:34 PM UTC
一个超预期的季度并不能解决爱立信的问题One Better-Than-Expected Quarter Doesn't Solve Ericsson's Problems
1、爱立信发布了超预期的第二季度业绩,得益于一项5G授权协议,推动了收入和利润率的提升。2、北美地区的收入增长是积极的,但指引表明没有根本性的转变,朝着有意义的新部署发展。3、长期前景仍然疲软,收入增长为低个位数,运营杠杆潜力有限,除非中频段5G和工业物联网带来实质性好处。1. Ericsson reported better-than-expected Q2 results, driven by a 5G licensing deal that boosted revenue and margins. 2. North American revenue growth is positive, but guidance suggests no fundamental shift towards significant new deployments. 3. The long-term outlook remains weak with low single-digit revenue growth and modest operating leverage potential, unless midband 5G and IIoT deliver substantial benefits.