02/05/2025, 10:58 AM UTC
漂浮能源社区Schoonschip的动态电价和灵活性营销Dynamic Electricity Prices and Flexibility Marketing for the Floating Energy Community Schoonschip
➀ 自2025年1月起,漂浮能源社区Schoonschip已接入能源和灵活性市场。
➁ 洛兰霍夫工业数学研究所ITWM的创新解决方案使社区能够以最优价格买卖电力。
➂ 社区利用电池储能参与不平衡市场,增加灵活性并降低成本。
➀ The floating energy community Schoonschip has connected to the energy and flexibility markets since January 2025.
➁ The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM's innovative solution enables the community to buy and sell electricity at optimal prices.
➂ The community uses battery storage for marketing on the imbalance market, increasing flexibility and reducing costs.