02/07/2025, 12:30 PM UTC
下一个大机会:我未来转型中最看好的分红股票The Next Big Opportunity: My Favorite Dividend Stocks For The Shift Ahead
1、文章讨论了由于指标改善和全球增长,工业、能源和交通运输部门可能表现出色;2、作者正在通过增加铁路、机械和能源股票来调整他们的投资组合以适应这一转变;3、作者承认地缘政治紧张、通货膨胀或经济放缓等风险,但认为风险/回报是有利的。1. The article discusses the potential for outperformance in industrials, energy, and transportation sectors due to improving indicators and global growth; 2. The author is positioning their portfolio for this shift by adding to railroads, machinery, and energy stocks; 3. The author acknowledges risks such as geopolitical tensions, inflation, or economic slowdowns but believes the risk/reward is favorable.---