08/20/2024, 02:45 PM UTC
量子芯片简化复杂分子研究A Quantum Chip Simplifies Complex Molecule Study
➀ 香港理工大学的研究人员开发了一种16量子比特的量子微处理器芯片,用于模拟复杂分子中的分子光谱,这是全球首次。➁ 该芯片是包括光-电-热封装和完全可编程控制在内的综合系统的一部分。➂ 这一发展为量子化学、分子对接和量子机器学习技术等应用开辟了新的可能性。➀ Researchers at PolyU have developed a 16-qubit quantum microprocessor chip for simulating molecular spectroscopy in complex molecules, a first globally. ➁ This chip is part of a comprehensive system including optical-electrical-thermal packaging and fully programmable control. ➂ The development opens new possibilities for applications in quantum chemistry, molecular docking, and quantum machine learning techniques.