07/21/2024, 01:54 PM UTC
谷歌Q2预览:成为AI领导者Google Q2 Preview: Becoming The AI Leader
1、谷歌通过推出Gemma 2模型已成为AI市场的领导者。2、公司财务表现强劲,得益于广告收入的稳健增长和AI整合。3、谷歌的AI创新举措,包括新的训练方法JEST,提高了性能和能源效率,为公司未来的增长奠定了基础。1. Google has become a leader in the AI market with the introduction of the Gemma 2 model. 2. The company's financial performance is strong, driven by robust advertising growth and AI integrations. 3. Google's AI initiatives, including the new training method JEST, enhance performance and power efficiency, positioning the company for future growth.