06/19/2024, 11:55 AM UTC
微型机器人导航肺部以对抗转移性癌症Microscopic Robots Navigate Lungs to Combat Metastatic Cancer
1、加州大学圣地亚哥分校的工程师开发了能够在肺部导航的微型机器人,直接向转移性肿瘤输送抗癌药物。2、这些结合了生物学和纳米技术的微型机器人利用绿藻细胞游动,将装有药物的纳米粒子运送到肺部肿瘤。3、该疗法在患有黑色素瘤肺转移的小鼠中显示出提高的生存率,预示着未来可能进行人类临床试验。1. Engineers at UC San Diego have developed microrobots that can navigate through the lungs to deliver cancer-fighting medication directly to metastatic tumors. 2. These microrobots, a combination of biology and nanotechnology, use green algae cells to swim and deliver drug-filled nanoparticles to lung tumors. 3. The treatment has shown improved survival rates in mice with lung metastases from melanoma, suggesting potential for future human clinical trials.