03/07/2025, 08:33 AM UTC
Stride:居家学校教育,一个长期趋势Stride: School From Home, A Secular Trend
1. Stride的在线K-12教育模式是一个长期趋势;2. 公司正从增长和规模收益中受益,预计2025年入学人数将增长9%;3. 公司具有高收益可见性和运营杠杆,EBITDA利润率从6%上升到12%;4. 估值具有吸引力,为1x PEG,如果入学增长率在2025年9月达到或超过9%,则潜在目标价为185美元;5. 主要风险是监管,但长期入学增长和规模收益支持对Stride的买入评级。1. Stride's online K-12 education model is a secular trend; 2. The company is benefiting from growth and scale gains with a 9% enrollment increase estimated for 2025; 3. The company has high earnings visibility and operating leverage, with EBITDA margins rising from 6% to 12%; 4. The valuation is attractive at 1x PEG, with a potential price target of $185 if enrollment growth meets or exceeds 9% in September 2025; 5. The primary risk is regulation, but long-term enrollment growth and scale gains support a buy rating for Stride.---