09/18/2024, 06:05 PM UTC
量子传感器应用:BMBF未来集群QSens启动第二轮资金支持Quantum Sensors in Application: BMBF Future Cluster QSens Begins Second Round of Funding
➀ 斯图加特和乌尔姆大学的QSens集群专注于量子传感器的研究和应用。➁ 德国联邦教育与研究部(BMBF)将为QSens提供1500万欧元,为期三年的资金支持。➂ QSens旨在开发用于生物医学技术、能源存储和智能系统的量子传感器,重点是市场成熟和技术转移。➀ The QSens cluster at the Universities of Stuttgart and Ulm focuses on quantum sensor research and practical applications. ➁ The BMBF is funding QSens with EUR 15 million for another three years. ➂ QSens aims to develop quantum sensors for biomedical technology, energy storage, and intelligent systems, with a focus on market maturity and technology transfer.