10/02/2024, 06:50 PM UTC
光伏实际实验室突破100兆瓦时大关Photovoltaic Real Laboratory Breaks 100 Megawatt-hour Mark
➀ 柏林赫姆霍茨材料与能源研究中心(HZB)的实际实验室光伏外墙已达到100兆瓦时的里程碑。➁ 这个量的电力相当于为德国的四口之家提供清洁能源30年。➂ HZB正在利用这项研究来研究太阳能外墙的性能和环境影响。➀ The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin's (HZB) real laboratory has reached the milestone of 100 megawatt-hours of solar power generation from its photovoltaic facade. ➁ This amount of electricity is equivalent to providing clean energy to a four-person household in Germany for 30 years. ➂ The HZB is using this research to study the performance and environmental impact of solar facades.