02/11/2025, 11:54 AM UTC
心脏CT:对冠状动脉的精确观察——谁从中受益?Herz-CT: A Precise Look into the Coronary Arteries – Who Benefits from It?
➀ 无创心脏CT血管造影(CCTA)可以在不使用心脏导管的情况下早期发现心脏血管变化,这对于患有冠状动脉疾病和有心脏 attack 和死亡风险的患者来说非常重要。
➁ 作为一种无创成像方法,CCTA可以精确地观察冠状动脉,允许早期发现如冠状动脉疾病等疾病。
➂ 该方法对患有低至中度冠状动脉疾病概率的患者很有价值,且风险低,辐射暴露量小。
➀ Non-invasive CT angiography of the heart (CCTA) enables the early detection of heart vessel changes without the use of a heart catheter, important in the care of patients with coronary heart disease and risk for heart attack and death.
➁ CCTA, as a non-invasive imaging method, provides precise insights into the coronary arteries, allowing for early detection of diseases like coronary heart disease.
➂ The method is valuable for patients with a low to moderate probability of coronary heart disease and is risk-free with low radiation exposure.