10/14/2024, 06:45 PM UTC
《古墓丽影》系列销量突破1亿份纪念:28周年庆典The Tomb Raider series has sold over 100 million copies
➀ 《古墓丽影》系列庆祝28周年,宣布销量突破1亿份;➁ 晶体动力团队感谢粉丝和开发者;➂ 莉亚·克劳馥近期在主要游戏发布中的下滑,但新游戏正在开发中。➀ The Tomb Raider series celebrates its 28th anniversary by announcing over 100 million copies sold; ➁ Crystal Dynamics expresses gratitude to fans and developers; ➂ Lara Croft's recent decline in major game releases, with a new game in development.