09/18/2024, 03:54 PM UTC
Grab Holdings拓展服务组合,用户数量激增Massive Growth In Users As Grab Holdings Expands Its Suite Of Offerings
1、Grab通过如Saver Delivery等经济实惠的选项,正经历用户数量的快速增长;2、公司正在整合其成本结构和区域管理,以提升利润率;3、预计美国利率的降低将缓解外汇风险,并提升报告的增长率。1. Grab is experiencing rapid user growth, driven by affordable options like Saver Delivery; 2. The company is consolidating its cost structure and regional management to boost margins; 3. US interest rate cuts are expected to ease foreign exchange headwinds and boost reported growth rates.