08/01/2024, 07:54 PM UTC
微软修复因无法更新而变砖的Xbox One主机Microsoft fixes Xbox One consoles that were effectively bricked due to being unable to update
❶ 微软已解决某些初代Xbox One主机因无法更新而无法使用的问题。❷ 受影响的主机自2018年11月以来未进行过更新,包括那些已被恢复出厂设置的主机。❸ 此问题凸显了日益趋向始终在线要求的家用游戏机市场的挑战。❶ Microsoft has resolved an issue causing some launch model Xbox One consoles to become unusable due to inability to update. ❷ The issue affected consoles that hadn't received updates since November 2018 or earlier, including those that had been factory reset. ❸ The problem highlights the challenges of an increasingly always-online console market.
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