06/24/2024, 12:11 AM UTC
巨大电容器突破:微电子功率密度提升170倍This massive capacitor breakthrough could have microelectronics with 170x more power density
1、劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室和加州大学伯克利的科学家们开发了'微型电容器',其功率密度高达现有电容器的170倍。2、这些微型电容器将能量存储直接集成到微芯片中,大幅减少了不同组件间电力传输时的能量损失。3、在HfO2-ZrO2薄膜中使用负电容材料使得这些电容器能够比传统电容器存储更多的能量。1. Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley have developed 'microcapacitors' with up to 170x the power density of current capacitors. 2. These microcapacitors integrate energy storage directly into microchips, significantly reducing energy loss during power transfer. 3. The use of negative capacitance materials in HfO2-ZrO2 thin films enables these capacitors to store significantly more energy than conventional ones.---