09/12/2024, 07:15 PM UTC
NASA决定将波音故障的星舰无人返回的决定恰到好处Why NASA’s Decision To Return Boeing’s Broken Starliner Uncrewed Was Spot-On
➀ 波音的星舰飞船周末成功返回地球,但发现了一些额外问题,包括下降过程中推进器故障。➁ 星舰的问题始于6月的发射前,发现了氦气泄漏和推进器性能问题。➂ 美国宇航局决定让宇航员留在国际空间站,并无人驾驶返回星舰,强调安全为核心价值观。飞船成功着陆,但推进器故障和导航系统暂时断电被记录下来。➀ Boeing's Starliner spacecraft successfully returned to Earth over the weekend, but with some additional issues found, including a failed thruster during decent. ➁ The issues with Starliner began before its launch in June, with helium leaks and thruster performance issues identified. ➂ NASA decided to keep astronauts on board the ISS and return Starliner uncrewed, emphasizing safety as the core value. The spacecraft landed successfully, but the thruster failure and temporary blackout of the guidance system were noted.