03/13/2025, 02:02 PM UTC
磷烯纳米带展现宏观磁性行为Phosphorene Nanoribbons Exhibit Macroscopic Magnetic Behavior
➀ 卡文迪许实验室等机构的研究人员发现,磷烯纳米带在室温下表现出宏观磁性行为;
➁ 这些由黑磷制成的纳米带具有独特的磁性和半导体特性;
➂ 这一发现可能推动自旋电子设备的发展,并促进计算技术的进步。
➀ Researchers at the Cavendish Laboratory and other institutions have discovered macroscopic magnetic behavior in phosphorene nanoribbons at room temperature;
➁ The nanoribbons, made of black phosphorus, have unique magnetic and semiconducting properties;
➂ The discovery could lead to the development of spintronic devices and advancements in computing technologies.