07/05/2024, 08:00 AM UTC
白俄罗斯加入上海合作组织竞争对手Belarus joins NATO rival
1、白俄罗斯已加入上海合作组织(SCO),成为其第十个成员国。2、SCO成立于2001年,由中国、俄罗斯及其他中亚国家共同发起,旨在加强安全、反恐、经济和能源领域的合作。3、印度和巴基斯坦于2017年加入SCO,但由于印度与西方国家关系密切以及与巴基斯坦的持续紧张关系,印度在SCO中的积极参与存疑。1. Belarus has joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), becoming its tenth member state. 2. The SCO was founded in 2001 by China, Russia, and other Central Asian countries to enhance cooperation in security, anti-terrorism, economy, and energy. 3. India and Pakistan joined the SCO in 2017, but India's active participation is uncertain due to its closer ties with the West and ongoing tensions with Pakistan.