07/13/2024, 09:22 PM UTC
美国政府宣布首批CHIPS法案研发受益者——三家研发设施获3亿美元资助US government announces first CHIPS Act research and development beneficiaries — $300 million awarded to three R&D facilities
❶ 美国政府宣布首批CHIPS和科学法案资助的研发设施,三家研发设施获得3亿美元资助。❷ 这些设施包括NSTC原型设计和NAPMP先进封装试点设施、NSTC行政和设计设施以及NSTC极紫外(EUV)中心。❸ 资助旨在弥合研究与产业之间的差距,振兴半导体研发,并解决当前生态系统中的关键缺口。❶ The US government has announced the first recipients of the CHIPS and Science Act funding, awarding $300 million to three R&D facilities. ❷ These facilities include an NSTC Prototyping and NAPMP Advanced Packaging Piloting Facility, an NSTC Administrative and Design Facility, and an NSTC Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Center. ❸ The funding aims to bridge the gap between research and industry, revitalizing semiconductor R&D and addressing critical gaps in the current ecosystem.