09/07/2024, 08:56 PM UTC
我们致力于在印度全国创建一个村级无人机企业家和一个农业企业家”——AVPL联合创始人Preet Sandhuu“We Aim To Create One Village-Level Drone Entrepreneur And One Agri-Entrepreneur Across India” – Preet Sandhuu, Co-Founder of AVPL
➀ AVPL致力于在印度全国创建村级无人机企业家和农业企业家;➁ 该公司提供专注于无人机技术和农业的技能发展培训;➂ 自成立以来,AVPL已成功培训了13万名候选人。➀ AVPL aims to create village-level drone entrepreneurs and agri-entrepreneurs across India; ➁ The company offers skill development training focusing on drone technology and agriculture; ➂ AVPL has trained 130,000 candidates since its inception.