12/09/2024, 10:24 AM UTC
伊尔梅瑙绿色电子学院:伊尔梅瑙工业大学开发未来可持续信息技术Ilmenau School of Green Electronics: TU Ilmenau Develops Sustainable IT of the Future
➀ 伊尔梅瑙工业大学正式启动“伊尔梅瑙绿色电子学院”,致力于开发气候中性的信息技术;➁ 该项目由卡尔·蔡司基金会资助,为期四年,资助金额近520万欧元;➂ 该倡议侧重于节能计算和生物启发微电子,旨在减少IT硬件的环境影响。➀ The Technische Universität Ilmenau launches the 'Ilmenau School of Green Electronics' to develop climate-neutral information technology; ➁ The project is funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung with nearly 5.2 million euros over four years; ➂ The initiative focuses on energy-efficient computing and bio-inspired microelectronics, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of IT hardware.---