11/13/2024, 05:52 PM UTC
TwinSim4Brownfield 项目:新技术用于数字化现有生产设施TwinSim4Brownfield Project: New Technology for Digitalizing Existing Production Plants
➀ 德国联邦教育与研究部(BMBF)正在资助凯姆滕应用科技大学(Hochschule Kempten)的一个三年项目,以约66万欧元将工业4.0技术如数字孪生整合到现有生产设施中。➁ 德国80%的生产设施是现有设施(“棕地”),通常缺乏数字构造信息。➂ 该项目的目标是开发一种自动创建数字孪生的方法,以减少项目和产品开发的时间和成本。➀ The BMBF is funding a three-year project at the Hochschule Kempten with around 660,000 Euros to integrate Industry 4.0 technologies like Digital Twins into existing production plants. ➁ Existing plants ('Brownfield') make up 80% of production sites in Germany and often lack digital construction information. ➂ The project aims to develop an automated method for creating Digital Twins to reduce the cost and time of project and product development.