11/22/2024, 11:04 PM UTC
欧洲南方天文台望远镜首次捕捉到银河系外恒星壮丽图像ESO Telescope Captures Stunning First-Ever Shot Of A Star Outside The Milky Way
➀ 天文学家使用欧洲南方天文台的甚大望远镜干涉仪(ESO的VLTI)首次捕捉到银河系外一颗垂死恒星的近距离图像;➁ 这颗恒星WH G64位于大麦哲伦云中;➂ 图像显示围绕恒星有一个蛋形的茧,可能与超新星事件有关。➀ Astronomers captured the first close-up image of a dying star outside the Milky Way using ESO's VLTI; ➁ The star, WH G64, is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud; ➂ The image reveals an egg-shaped cocoon surrounding the star, possibly related to a supernova event.