08/23/2024, 07:19 PM UTC
耶拿大学参与欧洲研究项目EMIMEP的象征性启动Symbolic Launch of Jena's Participation in the European Study Program EMIMEP
➀ 来自乌克兰卡拉津哈尔科夫国立大学的十名学生和六名教师参加了耶拿大学举办的EMIMEP暑期学校。➁ EMIMEP是一个国际硕士项目,隶属于欧盟的Erasmus-Mundus项目,专注于工程领域。➂ 该项目涉及法国、西班牙、意大利和德国的大学,其中耶拿大学的阿贝光子学学校负责光子学教育。➀ Ten Ukrainian students and six teachers from the National W.-N.-Karasin University of Kharkiv participate in the EMIMEP Summer School at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. ➁ EMIMEP is an international master's program under the Erasmus-Mundus program of the European Union, focusing on engineering fields. ➂ The program involves universities in France, Spain, Italy, and Germany, with the Abbe School of Photonics at Jena University leading the Photonics education.
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