08/20/2024, 01:16 PM UTC
到2027年,汽车半导体市场价值将超过880亿美元Automotive semis to be worth $88bn+ by 2027
➀ 根据IDC的预测,到2027年,汽车半导体市场价值将超过880亿美元。➁ 这一增长主要由ADAS、电动汽车和车联网对高性能计算集成电路、图形处理器、雷达芯片和激光传感器的需求推动。➂ 2023年,前五大供应商占据了超过50%的市场份额,其中英飞凌以13.9%的份额领先,紧随其后的是NXP和ST。➀ The automotive semiconductor market is projected to exceed $88 billion by 2027, according to IDC. ➁ This growth is fueled by the increasing demand for HPC ICs, GPUs, radar chips, and laser sensors, driven by ADAS, EVs, and IoV. ➂ The top five vendors in 2023 held over 50% of the market share, with Infineon leading at 13.9%, followed by NXP and ST.