01/30/2025, 10:11 AM UTC
凯泽斯劳滕大学将于2025年2月4日展示其远程学习课程Kaiserslautern University Presents Its Distance Learning Programs on February 4, 2025
➀ 凯泽斯劳滕大学提供两个远程学习课程,即电气工程硕士和工艺技术硕士,旨在帮助希望在技术领域进一步深造且注重灵活性的专业人士。
➁ 毕业生将具备在企业中担任领导职位的能力。
➂ 这些课程设计为四个学期,每个冬季学期开始,采用混合学习模式,包括自学、在线教学和现场出勤日。
➀ Kaiserslautern University is offering two distance learning programs, Electrical Engineering M.Eng. and Process Technology M.Eng., aimed at professionals seeking to further qualify in the technical field with a focus on flexibility.
➁ Graduates are qualified for leadership positions in companies.
➂ The programs are designed for four semesters and begin each winter semester, with a blended learning approach that includes self-study, online teaching, and on-site presence days.