10/23/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
科技行业十大最高薪酬职位Top Ten Best Paying Jobs In Tech
➀ 云架构师,平均年薪为174,984美元;➁ 网络安全工程师,平均年薪为160,471美元;➂ 数据科学家、机器学习工程师、网络安全工程师、软件工程师、渗透测试员、人工智能研究科学家、DevOps和信息安全分析师是科技行业中的高薪职位。➀ Cloud Architect with an average annual salary of $174,984; ➁ Network Security Engineer with an average annual salary of $160,471; ➂ Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Cybersecurity Engineer, Software Engineer, Penetration Tester, AI Research Scientist, DevOps, and Information Security Analyst are among the highest paying jobs in tech.