08/19/2024, 08:02 PM UTC
瑞士研究显示光子不是高数值孔径EUV的问题Swiss Study Shows Photons Aren't the Problem for Hyper-NA EUV
➀ 保罗谢尔研究所(PSI)的研究人员使用13.5纳米EUV光实现了5纳米半间距线/空间图案,超过了ASML高数值孔径EUV工具的理论最大分辨率。➁ 所使用的技术,即EUV干涉光刻(EUV-IL),涉及使两个EUV光束相互干涉以创建周期性图像,之前实现了低至6纳米半间距的图案。➂ 该研究得出结论,光子在这个尺度上不是分辨率的限制因素,将重点转移到开发新的光刻胶材料和优化现有平台上。➀ Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) have achieved 5 nm half-pitch line/space patterns using 13.5 nm EUV light, surpassing the theoretical maximum resolution of ASML’s high-NA EUV tool. ➁ The technique used, EUV interference lithography (EUV-IL), involves making two EUV beams interfere to create periodic images, previously achieving patterns down to 6 nm half-pitch. ➂ The study concludes that photons are not the limiting factor for resolution at this scale, shifting focus to developing new photoresist materials and optimizing existing platforms.