08/22/2024, 01:21 PM UTC
新兴技术炒作周期:生成式AI正从期望膨胀顶峰转向关注ROI的实际应用The Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies
➀ 生成式AI(GenAI)正从期望膨胀的顶峰转向,企业开始更多关注能带来投资回报率的实际应用案例,而非基础模型。➁ 当前的AI模型缺乏自主性,但研究实验室正在迅速开发能够与环境动态交互以实现目标的代理。➂ 根据Gartner的Arun Chandrasekaran的说法,这一发展将是渐进式的。➀ Generative AI (GenAI) is moving past the peak of inflated expectations, with businesses focusing more on ROI-driven use cases rather than foundation models. ➁ Current AI models lack agency, but research labs are quickly developing agents that can interact dynamically with their environment to achieve goals. ➂ This development is expected to be gradual, according to Gartner's Arun Chandrasekaran.