08/22/2024, 01:34 PM UTC
新型编织技术:适用于机器人和可穿戴设备New Woven Tech For Robots And Wearables
➀ 江南大学的研究人员开发了一种可扩展和可定制的方法,用于为医疗保健和机器人领域创建纺织执行器。➁ 该方法通过精确编织经纬纱线,制造出能够检测应变并保持柔韧性的执行器。➂ 这种技术使得能够生产出具有双侧弯曲、扭曲和螺旋运动的多形态软执行器。➀ Researchers from Jiangnan University have developed a scalable and customizable method for creating textile actuators for healthcare and robotics. ➁ The method involves precise weaving of warp and weft yarns to create actuators that can detect strain and maintain flexibility. ➂ This technique allows for the production of multi-morphing soft actuators capable of bilateral bending, twisting, and spiraling.